Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Where would I be without my Filofax?

Where would I be without my Filofax?  Before planning in agendas I planned in notebooks, post-it notes, scrap paper, anything I could write on.  Even in this day and age where you can store your entire life on a flash drive or your phone or tablet, I NEED to use paper and pencil.....or in my case paper and Frixion pens, LOL,!
My planner organizes me, grounds me, and guides me.  If its in my planner it will get done, or moved  to another day to get done.  Without my planner I would miss appointments for the dentist, doctor, physical therapy, important work deadlines and fun days with friends and family.  I write my grocery list, delivery dates, bill due dates, books to be read, youtube videos I want to make or watch and now.......the blogs I would like to write.  My planner is my everything, including my best accessory.  I switch my binder based on the season, or my bag, or my mood.  Whether it's my Chameleon, Osterley or Finsbury, I am ready to conquer my day!  I swear if my planner had a built in GPS I would be set!
Where would you be without your Filofax/planner?


  1. Congratulations on starting your blog!

    I bought my first filofax in 2009 & couldn't imagine being without one now. Before owning one, I had numerous partly filled notebooks, scraps of paper & post-its, which made it hard for me to keep track of everything. I still occasionally use bits of paper, but they go straight into my crimson Malden as soon as I get home. And the great thing is that owning filos has cured me of my notebook addiction :)

  2. @Anita Lim

    Thank you so much!!!!!!! I love my Filofaxes and my two Kate spade planners too! However, they haven't cured MY obsession with notebooks. I don't know what it is about stationery.......sigh!!

  3. Loving Blogger - I just added you to my feed and all your posts have comeup saying they were posted 6 minutes ago so I can read them all - yay!!!

  4. @LJ

    Yay!!!! Happy you like my posts. Will put up a new one today or tomorrow and when I get a chance I will link a how to video for the "Minion" cards too.

    1. Ooh - looking forward to that one - it may be a project that I can get my boys to work on as well to keep them occupied for a while :-)
